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    Lab Compacted Paper Nest

    Bedding and Enrichment 9453 1

    Lab corncob bedding can creat a safe, comfortable and natural environment for lab animals, which conforms to the standard of DB32/T 2129-2012 Lab animal bedding and executes the standard of Q/320115 XT 07-2003 Lab animal bedding .

    Product Number:1060025

    Particle size

    Diameter: 5±1cm, circle shape.

    Package:2g×150 /bag

    Shelf-life:36 months from date of production.

    Storage:Store in a clean and dry place with constant temperature, protected from sunlight, and separately from toxic and harmful substances. If unpacking, use it up as soon as possible.

    Using directions:One in each cage, support autoclaving or irradiated.

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