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    Methionine Choline Deficient Model Feed

    Animal Model Diets 7750 2

    Methionine choline deficiency (MCD) feed belongs to the rodent diet defined by amino acids. Methionine and choline deficiency can reduce fat oxidation and fat output from the liver, and is widely used in the construction of disease models such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and tumors.

    Product Code:XTMCD

    Intended species: experimental rat/mouse?(C57, ICR, BALB?/?C, SD and other common strains)

    Intended?Age: 3 to 4 weeks weaning of age period (if there is a special experimental purpose, according to the actual situation of the selection of different age of the experimental mice)

    Product shape: rod-shaped particles (if there is a special need to provide powder, etc.)

    Product storage method: 4 ℃ cold storage?(recommended) or room temperature

    Product shelf life: 3?months

    Order feed dosage: mice: 5 g /?animal?/?day,?rats: 25 g?/?animal?/?day

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