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    Vitamin Deficiency Model Feed

    Animal Model Diets 3674 0

    Purified feed is a kind of feed made up of highly purified and refined raw materials. The nutrient composition and the source of raw materials are stable, there are many factors affecting the absorption and metabolism of nutrients (e.g. phytic acid, oxalic acid, phytoestrogens, etc.) and contain more than one nutrient, which makes it difficult to modify the feed formula. Especially in the experiment of nutrient deficiency, the diet feed is not feasible, so the purified feed is suggested to be used in constructing the vitamin deficiency model. We can not list all the formulas on our website because of the large number of vitamin-deficient feed formulas. The type of feed available for vitamin-deficient production is shown below.

    Product Code:XTVV

    Intended species: experimental rat?/?mouse?(C57, ICR, BALB?/?C, SD and other common strains)

    Product shape: rod-shaped particles (if there is a special need to provide powder, etc.)

    Product storage method: 4 ℃ cold storage?(recommended) or room temperature

    Product shelf life: 3?months

    Order feed dosage: mice: 5 g /?animal?/?day,?rats: 25 g?/?animal?/?day

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