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    Laboratory Animal Hydrating Gel

    Bedding and Enrichment 4218 1

    It is not convenient for laboratory animal to replenish water during transportation. Hydrating gel?is developed and launched specially?for laboratory animal. It replenishes water in the form of colloid, which can not only replenish?water, facilitate operation,?reduce transportation inconvenience, but also improve the feeding welfare of laboratory animal and reduce the physiological abnormalities caused by the problem of replenishing water during transportation.?The formula contains 96% pure water, which is the industry standard for replenishing water for laboratory animal.

    Product Code:XT19020

    Product?specification: 65 g?/ piece;60?pieces / box

    Intended species: experimental rat?/?mouse

    Product storage temperature: 4 ℃ cold storage(recommended)or room temperature

    Product shelf life: 3?months

    Ingredients: Purified Water, Carrageenan, Konjac Powder, Erythritol, Locust Bean Gum, Xanthan Gum, Limonexic?Acid, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate

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