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    Irradiated Lab Rat and Mouse Low Protein Diet

    Rat and Mouse 307 0

    Irradiated Lab Rat and Mouse Low Protein Diet is a complete?life cycle formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of laboratory rats and mice in toxicological experiments. This is formulated using constant?formulation, delivering comprehensive?nutrition. This diet conforms to standard of Jiangsu Xietong Pharmaceutical Bio-engineering Co., LTD,Q/320115 XT 24-2023 Laboratory rats and mouse low?protein formula feed.

    Product Number:1049039

    Shape: Cylinder pellet

    Product Assortment

    SPF level (Irradiated sterilization): 5kg*4 bag / box

    Shelf-life:Six months from date of production

    Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.

    Feeding Direction

    Feed ad libitum or restricted to rats and mice. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available to the animals at all times.

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