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    Lab Germ-Free Mice NIH-31M Diet

    Rat and Mouse 535 0

    On the basis of NIH-31 feed?standard to production.This diet is an autoclavable diet with fortified vitamin levels but does not include silicon dioxide to reduce clumping.

    This product implementation standard is Enterprise standard of Jiangsu Xietong Pharmaceutical Bio-engineering Co., LTD,Q/320115XT14-2023 Laboratory animals-Laboratory rats and mice formula feed Ⅱ.

    Product Number:1019018

    Shape: Hemispherical or Burger shape

    Product Specifications

    Woven bag:10kg/bag.

    Shelf-life:Six months from date of production

    Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.

    Feeding Directions

    Feed ad libitum to rats and mice.Provide plenty of fresh clean water at all times.
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