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    Old Monkey Diet

    Old Monkey Diet is specially designed for the old lab monkey. The diet is formulated using fixed formulation and paired with the selection of highest quality ingredients.The implementation standard of this diet is? Q / 320115 XT 21-2023? Lab Monkey diet and GB13078Hygienical standard for feeds.

    Product Number:XTC02HC-003

    Form:Cylindrally bulging particles

    Product assortment:common level 15kg / bag

    Shelf-life:Six months from date of production

    Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.

    Feeding Directions

    Lab monkey generally consume about 2% to 4% of their body weight in food each day. The daily food allowance should be given in wqual portions twice during the day to prevent wastage.

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