大鼠生酮飼料 – 協(xié)同生物 http://www.ychljhotel.com/en 26年專注實驗動物飼料研發(fā)及生產(chǎn) Mon, 05 Jun 2023 01:55:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.12 http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-Logo-2-32x32.png 大鼠生酮飼料 – 協(xié)同生物 http://www.ychljhotel.com/en 32 32 90% Kcal% Fat Ketogenic Feed http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/3805/ http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/3805/#comments Thu, 01 Apr 2021 07:33:23 +0000 http://www.ychljhotel.com/?p=3805 Ketogenic feed is?widely used in research on obesity (Ketogenic Diet) and nervous system disease?(Epilepsy, Parkinson?disease, Alzheimer disease, Autism). Ketogenic diets must be high in fat and low in protein and carbohydrates because they force the body to burn fatty acids, which are metabolized to produce ketone bodies.

Product Code:XTKD01

Intended species: experimental rat?/?mouse?(C57, SD and other common strains)

Product storage method: 4 ℃ cold storage?(short-term use) or -20 ℃ freezing?(long-term standby)

Product shelf life: 3?months

Order feed dosage: mice: 5 g /?animal?/?day,?rats: 25 g?/?animal?/?day

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http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/3805/feed/ 2
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