實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠繁殖飼料 – 協(xié)同生物 http://www.ychljhotel.com/en 26年專注實(shí)驗(yàn)動(dòng)物飼料研發(fā)及生產(chǎn) Mon, 05 Jun 2023 01:40:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.12 http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-Logo-2-32x32.png 實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠繁殖飼料 – 協(xié)同生物 http://www.ychljhotel.com/en 32 32 Purified Breeding Feed (AIN-93G) http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/4186/ http://www.ychljhotel.com/en/4186/#comments Sat, 12 Jun 2021 01:48:13 +0000 http://www.ychljhotel.com/?p=4186 Ain-93 is a standard of purified feed for rodents, which is issued by American Nutrition Society. It is widely used in different types of research. Ain-93 standard feed is divided into M type?and G type, in which M type is suitable for maintenance period?and G type is suitable for breeding?period. The Ain-93 standard feed with fixed formula can be produced in the customized feed series, and the nutrient composition can be adjusted according to the experimental requirements.

Product Code:XT93G(The formula was optimized according to AIN-93G standard)

Intended species:experimental rat?/?mouse?(C57, ICR, BALB?/?C, SD and other common strains)

Intended Age:weaning to 8 weeks of age period, breeding period (if there is a special experimental purpose, according to the actual situation of the selection of different age of the experimental mice)

Product shape:rod-shaped particles (if there is a special need to provide powder, etc.)

Product storage temperature:4 ℃ cold storage(recommended)or room temperature

Product shelf life:3?months

Order feed dosage:mice: 5 g /?animal?/?day,?rats: 25 g?/?animal?/?day

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