Product Number:1010032
Form:Triangular puffed particles
Product assortment
common level:20kg / bag
Shelf-life:?Six months from date of production
Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.
Feeding Directions
In order to prevent the stress reaction,the suggestion is to change ?diet gradually and over 7 days.
Choose free feeding or restricted feeding according to the actual situation.
]]>Product Number:1010056
Form: Triangular puffed particles
Product assortment:common level 20kg / bag
Shelf-life: Six months from date of production
Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.
Feeding Directions:
In order to prevent the stress reaction,the suggestion is to change ?diet gradually and over 7 days.
Choose free feeding or restricted feeding according to the actual situation.