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    Irradiatied Lab Paper Roll Bedding

    Bedding and Enrichment 380 0

    Irradiatied lab paper roll bedding is made of natural wood pulpcan, which can creat a safe, comfortable and natural environment for lab animals. it conforms to the standard of DB32/T 2129-2012 Lab animal bedding.

    Product Number:XTB03ZJ-001

    Particle size:Length 2cm, thickness 0.5cm, cylindrical shape.


    Shelf-life:12 months from date of production.

    Storage:Store in a clean and dry place with constant temperature, protected from sunlight, keep away from fire, and separately from toxic and harmful substances. If unpacking, use it up as soon as possible.

    Using directions :Used singly or in combination with corn cob,150g-200g per cage.

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